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"Scotty, beam me up!" #TimeMachineProject

Avatar of Student/in Student/in | 21. März 2019 | Projekt


Because of the German Librarian Conference we librarians in Germany might have not realized there was another BIG thing happening this week. The Kick-Off of the European Time Machine Project! For those who haven't heard of it yet: the TMP will develop one of the most advanced AIs ever built so far to create a large-scale net of digitised cultural and historical content from Europe. The European Commission will strategically substitute this project in the next decade and already funded it with 1 million euros to develop a roadmap for the initiative.

And to be honest I think this is one of (if not THE) biggest project in the cultural and historical sector ever. Just let your thoughts drift for a second. Think of the possibilities! The complete history of europe in your hands - or thoughts - or in a virtual reality? That is yet to decide! However, this extremely eager project will remain a interesting topic over the next years - and the good thing is: all of Europe is working on it! Chances are high that a institution near you also does - so maybe you can contribute? At least libraries in general and their expertise will be important and at least for me it would be a dream to be part of the Time Machine Project and therefore of Europe's History (which would make me a time traveller, right?)


Further read:


(Picture: pixabay license, Genty)

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