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Talk TO, not ABOUT us ;) #wlic2019

Avatar of Student/in Student/in | 23. August 2019 | Kongress / Tagung

The past few days the IFLA satellite meeting in Samos took place, the topic: “Recruiting and Managing the New Generation of Employees to Attract New Markets and Create new Services”. Obviously an extremely important topic to talk about, especially now that it is rather hard to motivate people for the job librarian. Though we know nobody that attended the meeting, the talks held sound very interesting. Just one point is odd: none of the speakers seem to belong to the new generation. Sure, the new generation is not the one recruiting new librarians. But if the goal is to find out what the "New Generation" wants and how to adress them properly - wouldn't it be a good idea to actually ask them? At the DACHS conference in Munich 2019 librarians did and the coming generation identified 10 points that are important to them, the last one being "Ask us!". And yet, did someone? Maybe one of our readers attended the conference and knows more about this?

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